Why Bristol is leading the UK’s robotics revolution

Why Bristol is leading the UK’s robotics revolution

It’s the middle of the summer holidays and the University of the West of England (UWE), just north of Bristol city centre, appears eerily deserted. The car parks are empty and the buildings are almost all silent. But in a quiet corner of the campus, a group of the...

CEO interview with RD Magazine

Robotic Companion for Seniors Could Reduce Loneliness For many older people, particularly those who have lost a spouse or partner, living alone can be a daunting task.In addition to sometimes needing assistance being able to safely  run their appliances, take their...

Partner profile: RemindMeCare

As we develop the GenieConnect® solution, we are always looking for the highest quality partnerships to enhance our solution and allow us to offer an incredible service to our users. One of our most exciting partnerships for GenieConnect® is with the UK’s leading...
Jewels shine at VCT & EIS Investor Forum

Jewels shine at VCT & EIS Investor Forum

GenieConnect attracted a lot of interest at the VCT and EIS Investors forum on Friday in the City, where the co-founders were exhibiting the solution ahead of the crowd funding campaign later this month. See full article