The government’s £600 Million Investment to Transform the Care Industry

Sep 12, 2023 | News |

At Service Robotics Ltd, we are thrilled by the government announcement of £600 million in funding over the next two years to boost the capacity of the social care workforce and support the social care sector. This significant investment comes at a crucial time when the demand for quality care services is on the rise, and it presents a unique opportunity for innovative companies to contribute to the transformation of the care industry. 

The funding, announced by the Department of Health and Social Care and Helen Whately MP on 28th July 2023, aims to address critical challenges faced by the social care workforce, such as care capacity, recruitment, and retention. By allocating £570 million to a workforce fund distributed to local authorities, the government is paving the way for enhanced recruitment efforts, better training opportunities, and improved support for care workers nationwide. 

For Service Robotics Ltd, this funding opens exciting possibilities to further develop and deploy our cutting-edge GenieConnect® remote care solution. By harnessing the power of connected technologies designed for purpose, remote care can bridge gaps in traditional care methods and provide high-quality care to vulnerable people in need, regardless of location. 

With the challenges of the ongoing pandemic and the looming winter season, the additional £30 million in funding for local authorities in the most challenged health systems can significantly boost their ability to cope with increased demand for care services. This is particularly important as health systems were encouraged to prepare jointly for the winter months earlier this year, to ensure readiness to handle seasonal viruses like flu and COVID-19. 

Minister for Care, Helen Whately, highlighted the significance of these reforms and funding in supporting the care workforce and elevating social care as a profession. This investment will create more rewarding career opportunities in social care with nationally recognised qualifications. It will also mean more funding reaches the front lines of care, ultimately benefiting the millions of people and families who depend on social care services. 


Remote Care: A Pivotal Solution for Enhanced Care Capacity  

Remote care, delivered through GenieConnect®, offers a proven solution to enhance care capacity in the social care sector. As the government invests £600 million to strengthen the social care workforce and funding, integrating remote care solutions, as part of a hybrid-care approach will play a pivotal role in meeting the increasing demand for care services. Remote care expands accessibility, supporting people in remote or underserved areas. It aids caregivers with additional support, reduces hospital admissions through the preservation of independence and well-being related reminders, and improves care coordination among providers. Moreover, it optimises efficiency and enables flexible and personalised care plans while increasing care touch points and reducing unnecessary in-person visits to free care worker resources to those who need them most. By embracing remote care as part of a hybrid care approach, the social care system aligns with the government’s vision of building a sustainable and future-ready care workforce, promising improved and tailored care for millions nationwide. 


Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of Care Association Alliance, welcomed the longer-term approach of this funding, which enables the sector to develop more effective initiatives. The support provided will help address inflationary costs and demand pressures, which recently impacted social care services. 


Remote Work Options: Attracting and Retaining Care Talent 


Oonagh Smyth, CEO of Skills for Care, emphasised that improving capacity in social care is vital to attract and retain skilled care professionals. With thousands of vacancies in the care sector, bolstering the workforce’s capabilities will lead to better experiences for those receiving care and support.  

Offering remote work options allows care workers the flexibility to balance their personal and professional lives, which is particularly appealing to those seeking a better work-life balance. Moreover, remote care empowers care workers by providing them with advanced tools and resources, reducing the stresses associated with traditional care methods. Adopting cutting-edge technology can appeal to a new generation of people, drawing them towards rewarding careers in social care. Additionally, remote care’s emphasis on continuous training and development enhances professional growth opportunities, making the sector even more appealing for long-term career prospects. By embracing remote care solutions, the social care sector can create a more attractive and supportive work environment, increasing talent retention and creating a stronger, more sustainable workforce.  

The significance of this funding goes beyond immediate improvements in the care sector. By enabling better recognition and support for the social care workforce, the government is paving the way for a stronger overall care system that meets the needs of people across the country and integrates with and supports the NHS during challenging times. With enhanced care capacity, people can access the care they need promptly, reducing hospital admissions and waiting times for emergency services. 


Innovation and Research: Shaping the Future of Care 

 The government’s emphasis on research and innovation is commendable. The launch of the Research Programme for Social Care, backed by £10 million per year, will provide valuable insights into improving and strengthening social care services. Our Service Robotics Ltd team is enthusiastic about collaborating with the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and other sector partners to develop innovative approaches that will revolutionise care delivery. 

This significant investment will boost the capacity of the care workforce and open exciting possibilities for companies like Service Robotics Ltd to contribute to the transformation of care delivery through innovative remote care solutions.  

As the care industry embraces assistive technology and research, we are confident that these reforms will lead to a more sustainable and efficient social care system. 


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